September News
gi News patches rash guard Updates
Here's all the news from the first Lanky FG Newsletter. If you aren't subscribed, you missed out on a special offer. Don't miss the next one and put your email in at the bottom of the page!!! GI UPDATE I started Lanky FG to make the perfect fitting gi. I have always had trouble with gis being either too short in the legs, sleeves, and torso or too baggy. I also didn't want to pay and arm and a leg or try and compete with other people to get in on a super small batch. I've been working hard to...
Introductory T-Shirt Sale!
For a limited time our Logo T is $5.00 off the regular price. No discount codes needed. Rock this T for $19.99 for a limited time only!
Welcome to Lanky Fight Gear! I am excited to announce the launch of our brand and our online store. Over the next few months we will be rolling out a lot of new products. We are going to offer Gis, Rash Guards, and clothing all cut for taller/thinner BJJ athletes and practitioners. I've been tall and thin my whole life. Finding regular clothes that fit right is hard enough, let alone sport specific clothing for BJJ. Gis are either too short or too baggy or just way too expensive. Rash guards that fit snugly end up being 3/4 sleeve belly...